Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Summer Classics are here!

One of my favorite times of the year in Tampa, Florida is summertime. The beach is one obvious reason, but another is the Summer Classic Series at one of our city's Historic
Treasures, The Tampa Theater. Tampa Theater is an old theater once used to display live performances, which currently is used to show classic movies and independent films. There are always some good genre favorites in the summer classic series, and sometimes in October. In the past, I have enjoyed The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Metropolis, and The Phantom of the Opera in it's Gothic setting, accompanied by organ music no less. This summer, the science fiction classic, The Day the Earth Stood Still will show on August 14. I highly recommend fans of classic science fiction and monster movies check it out.

Please do not confuse my enthusiasm for the original Day the Earth Stood Still for the atrocious remake with Keanu Reeves. The original is a fun period piece of cold war paranoia. The remake could have adapted the idea of the fifties version beautifully into our times, with modern special effects. Instead, it botched the story, had crummy computer animation, and for some reason, Reeves acting talent was absent from this film. Today the special effects in the fifties version are laughable. However, Day the Earth Stood Still has a really interesting story to it if you give the film a chance.

Tampa Theater's Summer Classic Series will also feature some great mainstream favorites such as The Godfather, The Wizard of Oz, and The African Queen. I highly recommend to any casual movie fan to watch a film at Tampa Theater. The experience of watching a classic film in this cultural treasure is something almost any movie lover should experience at least once.

Lastly, thanks to my friend Scott Johndrow, I think he took that picture of the Theater's exterior.

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