Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

Summary. Sherlock Holmes is a famous private investigator, whose keen intellect and intuition can be used to catch any criminal. This time, he is tracking a deranged serial killer with a sadistic interest in black magic, and a desire for world domination. Holmes also must deal with the fact his partner Watson is about to get married, and stop helping him on cases. A steamy female thief and former love interest of Holmes also shows up in town while he is trying to save the world!

Review.**1/2. Sherlock Holmes is an enjoyable action film. I'm not incredibly familiar with the classic stories, but the few I've read I did enjoy. I am going to infer from what I've read that this film really kicked up the adrenaline level for modern movie audiences. Sherlock Holmes features several great fight scenes with bare knuckled brawls, police batons, guns, and explosions. The classic stories do mention Holmes trained in Baritsu. Baritsu is a streetwise form of self defense inspired by Asian and western forms of fighting, that often employed a cain for self defense. It is a little known and practiced martial art. This version of Holmes often goes from an eerie 1880's murder mystery with a sense of conspiracy theory to it, into a Die Hard level brawl. It was very enjoyable to watch, but this just seemed a little awkward at times. The villain’s plot was so elaborate, that it would have been hard to follow the clues along with Holmes to his conclusions. Or, maybe I would never make it in the police business. I knew the film was a little comic-bookish from the previews, so I just accepted it and enjoyed the film. Personally, I might have made the film with more of an emphasis on the gothic; eerie murder mystery, and Holmes scientific unraveling of the plot. I feel that would have fit a character more famous for his intellect than his muscle. Of course, I would have some action in there as well. At any rate; modern moviegoers are not necessarily fans 1800's murder mystery. This film showed Holmes almost as a super hero much like Batman; one part intellectual and one part brawler. Martial arts, especially mixed martial arts, are popular now, as are super heroes so perhaps it was the right way to do a Sherlock Holmes movie today. Perhaps our attention spans can no longer appreciate a hero's whose primary weapons are his intelligence and intuition. This Holmes sadly never utters the phrase "elementary, my dear Watson" but can beat the snot out of criminals. Can't say I did not enjoy it though!

The films actors are what make Sherlock Holmes really enjoyable. Robert Downey Jr is a versatile actor, and plays Holmes very well. His portrayal of Holmes emphasizes his eccentricity, so his dialogue and lines are slurred and hard to follow at times. I think he got a little too much into character here, and forgot audiences still have to follow the dialogue. Nonetheless, Holmes is a likeable hero in the film. Jude Law as Watson does a great job as Holmes' partner and kindred spirit, but with a down to earth personality that keeps Holmes "grounded" at times. The on screen friendship of the two men is very real to the audience. Rachel McAdams is wonderful as Irene Adler; a beautiful, sultry thief that captures Holmes' heart. The relationship between these two characters is a highlight of the film. Mark Strong as the villain Lord Blackwood is magnificent, and perfect for the role.

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