Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Hello there loyal fan base! I just got back from vacation and low and behold, it seems that all the sunshine, fresh air, and human interaction was bad for my blog, as it is for all technical hobbies. I hear some gamers burn immediately upon encountering the sun, and quickly run back to their Playstation's or Xboxes (Is that how one makes Xbox plural)? The official trailer and website for The Dark Night Rises, the third installment of the recent Christopher Nolan Batman franchise is available online. There was some debate about the trailer's authenticity on the web, probably because it uses footage from the previous Batman films. If someone wanted to do a false trailer for the heck of it, all they would have to do was transfer the DVD's to their hard drive and edit their own video if they had a non linear editing program on their computer. The aforementioned task would be a time consuming, but simple prank for techies. I think it may be illegal too, but I'm not sure. Therefore, I too was skeptical about movie posters, photos, articles or even trailers that I saw online because it is so easy for talented amateurs, film students, or the like to create a false trailer, and I don't wish to provide false information. Yet, you can find the new trailer here on as official looking a website as anyone can build. Since I have confirmed that it's the official trailer, I've taken the liberty to embed it to my blog for enjoyment. Here it is! The villains in the new film will be Catwoman and Bane. Thanks to my friend (you know who you are) for giving me the lead to this posting and letting me be a little lazy.

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