Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm Back

Wow, I'm sorry everyone for being MIA so long. I finished up this semester strong, and completed some great video projects. So, that's why I was sadly away from my blog for so long. I missed writing it, so what little movie watching I have done, I will recap.

I did eventually see Suckerpunch. It was a lot sadder than I expected. Still, a good movie...I don't want to give it away. Let's say this one brief does, shall we say, end well, but is still a lot sadder and more dramatic than I expected. Sure; I did not go see Sucker Punch expecting "cinematic cheetos" with no brain to it. However, it was a lot more serious, sad, and deep than I expected. I did enjoy watching it though. Honestly, this film turned out to be more along the lines of Pan's Labyrinth than a sexier version of Xena with a little philosophical edge to it (what I was hoping for). Can't say that I did not enjoy watching it.

Thor however, blew my mind recently. I came into the theater really not knowing what to expect. I was a casual fan of the comics, and generally knew the several story lines that different versions of the Thor comic had. I came fully expecting that the film would stink, but it looked at least mildly amusing. Thor however was a wildly entertaining film in every aspect; it had strong characters that I cared about as a viewer, as well as good acting, an interesting story, great special effects, and plenty of high octane action. I strongly recommend this film to fans of action, fantasy, and science fiction. My father who is not a fan of action/fantasy movies in general, enjoyed the film too so it can be okay for non genre fans as well.

Excellent casting is the strongest factor in what set Thor apart from another amusing special effects flick. Chris Hemsworth, a relatively unknown actor, plays the role of Thor perfectly. Since he's not a very known actor, the character retains his purity. I don't look at the lead in the film and think of Wolverine, or some other character. Natalie Portman displays all of her talent and charm in her role as the female lead in this film. Portman recently won an oscar for best actress for her role in Black Swann. In her role as Jane Foster, we see the talented and beautiful actress display all her acting ability, without the creepiness and melancholy of the more depressing, yet more eh, "respectable" Black Swann.

Check back for more, hopefully I can keep up this blog in the summer.

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