Thursday, January 6, 2011

Top Ten Giant Movie Monsters

I have to disagree slightly with this video from Cinemassacre on the Top Ten Giant Movie Monsters. Here is my list.

1) Godzilla-Hands down number one. Must I justify this? He has a ton of movies, he's a huge radioactive fire breathing dinosaur, and he's defeated all kinds of enemies. There's are an argument against this, really?
2) King Kong-He's a giant ape that beats the snot out of Dinosaurs. The original Kong is one of the greatest monster flicks of all time. A firm number two to Godzilla.
3) Mothra-One of the most unique movie monster's to date. Mothra is a giant radioactive butterfly worshiped on a strange, exotic island. She can shoot webbing, lazer beams, and throw pollen that neutralizes Godzilla's power.
4) Dragon from "Dragonslayer"- Just an awesome medieval dragon that can torch an entire town to death in a few seconds. Still unique and impressive special effects in this film, though done in the eighties.
5) Gamera-Giant, flying, fire breathing turtle from Japan. Yes, you read that right. In case you can't guess, the creature owes it's existence to an atomic bomb.
6) Beast From 20,000 Fathoms-A prehistoric rhedosaurs (fictional breed) that is thawed out by an atomic bomb. The creature was brought to life by legendary animator Ray Harryhausen.
7) Ymir-The nickname for the creature in 20 Million Miles to Earth. The film's monster was a very unique creature design by legendary animator Ray Harryhausen.
8) King Ghidorah-Flying three headed dragon nemesis of Godzilla. Even Godzilla had problems getting rid of this guy....need I say more?
9) Tremors aka Graboids-Giant worms with three smaller little eel/tentacles things that come out of their mouths. Interesting, unique creature design, Tremors is a fun monster movie. Several sequels that got progressively crummier and dumber followed.
10) The Say Puff Marshmellow Man-At the climax of Ghostbusters, an ancient babylonian demon god is forced to take the form of a giant marsh mellow advertising cartoon. The character is clearly inspired by the Pillsbury dough boy. This guy was just plain fun.

I agree for the most part with the monsters included in the Cinemassacre video. By the way, excellent voice over and editing work, so to those involved, kudos to you for your video production talents.

When I have more time to meditate on nonsense, I will give you my top 15 favorite movie monsters.

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