Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lazy and Watching Monster Movies

......Yup, that sums it up. I was a good boy and got all my work done this week, and was just too lazy to go out and party. Try as I might, I could not resist the urge to chill out and watch horror flicks/monster movies all weekend. Sure, I know the playoffs are a more respected couch time activity for a red blooded American male...but hey, with Chiller and Fear Net added on to Syfy, and AMC, I just can't help it. I know a lot of you can't too, and it's for you that I write this blog.

I missed watching a decent version of Yor, Hunter from the Future and ended up getting hooked into watching Life Blood on Fear Net. Life Blood....what shall I say about it? The word guilty pleasure definitely comes to mind. The muddy plot goes something like this. Somewhere out west, I forget if the film said it, two sexy ladies are at a VIP new Years Eve Party. One witnesses a celebrity about to brutally beat and rape a girl, so she kills him. The couple escapes, and crashes in the dessert. All of the sudden, a divine creature that one girl thinks is God makes them into vampires and tells them to rid the world of evil. The vampire/goddess at first just wants to turn the brunette into a vampire, but turns her blond friend into a vampire as well. The goddess/vampire/whatever warns the brunette that her friend will be her greatest challenge. The women then burst from a cocoon years later, and the blond one keeps trying to kill people, while the brunette keeps trying to tell her that they are there for a higher purpose. I apologize that I don't remember their names. Well, I don't want to spoil it for you, but there's the movie. The blond vampire kills people, and the brunette vampire disapproves. The good vampire "fights" the bad one in the shortest and worst "fight scene" ever in cinema. Shortest and worst, ever. I can't say that I recommend Life Blood, maybe because of nine years of catholic school or film school elitism.....I do not know. Okay, so I will not deny that I enjoyed this little potentially IQ killing film. Make up your own minds.

I also caught most of Monkey Shines on Chiller, and the very end of Wolf. In Monkey Shines, a little monkey that looks a little creepy (a little) is used in experiments to help a paralyzed man live a better life, The monkey's brain is enhanced, so it can help him pick things up and do simple tasks. Some bizarre connection between the monkey and the paralyzed man develop, and the monkey begins to act out his evil desires. Eventually, he must stand up against the eh...evil monkey.

Monkey Shines suffers terribly from the fact that the villain is a small monkey. The concept of the film is interesting though, and it has some nice atmospheric chills. The setting in a creepy dark house is perfect, and the audience can feel threatened through the eyes of the paralyzed protagonist. However, if one had a pretty average shotgun, a 22 caliber rifle, or a bad temper and a broom, then the villain of Monkey Shines would not seem that threatening. It is kind of an ugly monkey though.

I can't help but wonder if Monkey Shines inspired Family Guys' evil monkey?

Oh, finally Wolf is a great nineties horror flick with Jack Nicholson as a werewolf. It looked great from what I saw, I have to see the whole thing.

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