Sunday, January 30, 2011


I like to take a break from my usual blood and guts fare now and then, it's probably good for the mind. Usually, I just watch 30 minutes to an hour of the news and feel justified. Sort of; real life is actually scarier than most monster movies. Monsters are just silly fun to me, slasher films are just sick, and the real reports of greed,cruelty,violence, and oppression in the world-that is what is really scary. I need a break now and then.

I caught the trailer to Happy-Go-Lucky online, and I really want to see this movie. The whole thing is on Youtube, and it's available on DVD. I'm "guestimating" it's about a woman with a crummy life that has a happy-go-lucky personality. Somehow, this woman reminds me of me. Sorry guys, I'm going soft on you! I'll be back with more crazy cult films later. I promise.

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